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Over 3.8 lakh Nagpur property owners skipped tax last year

According to information gathered from Nagpur Municipal Corporation's property tax department, more than 3.80 lakh non-paying customers have accumulated an outstanding balance of 581 crore rupees. An enormous 60 percent of the approximately 6.36 lakh property holders in the urban area failed to settle their property tax dues for the fiscal year 2022-23.

According to the data, the Ashi Nagar zone has the maximum number of defaulters, with 88,633 property holders owing Rs 114.44 crore to the NMC, followed by the Laxmi Nagar zone, with 35,707 property holders failing to pay Rs 81.74 crore in taxes. The Mangalwari zone has 41,239 defaulters with Rs 81.42 crores outstanding, Lakadganj zone has 43,473 defaulters with Rs 78.45 crore outstanding, Hanuman Nagar zone has 47,298 defaulters with Rs 56.450 crore outstanding, Nehru Nagar zone has 58,789 defaulters with Rs 55.51 crore outstanding, Dharampeth  zone has 20,593 defaulters with Rs 38.81 crore outstanding, Dhantoli zone has 8,942 defaulters with Rs 35.08 crore outstanding, Satreanjipura zone has 22,329 defaulters with Rs 24.23 crore outstanding and Gandhibagh zone has 13,116 defaulters with Rs 15.55 crore outstanding.

Milind Meshram, the deputy municipal commissioner in charge of revenue, stated that the individuals in question have neglected to pay their taxes over a prolonged period. Also, the local authority aimed to collect a revenue of Rs 250 crore from property taxation during the previous fiscal year; however, only Rs241 crore could be collected. NMC's financial unit highlighted the importance of enhancing the collection of property taxes, which serves as the primary source of income for the governing body.

Meshram stated that the NMC has implemented multiple programmes aimed at diminishing the outstanding debts. As of April 1, 2022, the outstanding amount of property tax was recorded at Rs 786 crore. The NMC resolved a number of challenges raised by educational institutions and temples, which highlighted inaccurate tax computations.

Nagpur residents who own property are required to pay annual Nagpur property tax (also known as NMC property tax), with the amount varying based on the property's location. According to the MMC (Mumbai Municipal Corporation) Act, an authority in charge of civic affairs possesses the capability to annually raise the rate of property taxes. The latest modification of the NMC property tax was implemented in April 2015.

In the absence of a relaxation announcement from the Nagpur Municipal Corporation, a penalty of 2 percent interest per month will be levied for non-payment of NMC property tax or Nagpur property tax within the stipulated deadline, and this will apply for the entire duration of payment default.


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