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Maharashtra considers relocating 143 property registration offices for improved accessibility

State registration officials in Maharashtra have highlighted the need to relocate 143 out of 519 property registration offices to ground floors for improved accessibility, particularly targeting offices without lifts and currently situated on the first floor. Pune alone has earmarked 16 out of its 27 offices for potential relocation due to these accessibility issues. Following complaints from citizens regarding the challenging access to these offices, the state registration department conducted a comprehensive survey across all districts to identify cramped upper-floor offices. The department prepared a comprehensive list, including photographs, identifying approximately 116 offices requiring relocation to ground floors. This list was recently submitted to the state government for consideration. Plans for relocating these offices are set to commence within a month, based on availability of suitable spaces. A senior official emphasized the necessity of finding premises that do not demand deposit amounts, with the rent to be determined by the public works department. This initiative stemmed from an incident where a disability rights activist had to be physically carried up two flights of stairs to register her marriage due to the sub-registrar's refusal to relocate. The move to relocate these offices underscores the pressing need for enhanced accessibility and better facilities for citizens visiting these offices. This initiative aims not only to address physical accessibility but also to ensure that essential amenities are available to all visitors, emphasizing inclusivity and a citizen-centric approach.

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