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Tree of Life: Cultivating Sustainable Hospitality at Dusit International

Dusit International, a prominent Thai hotel and property development company, has adopted 'Sustainability' as one of its main pillars, along with three others, to uphold Dusit Graciousness. They have introduced a comprehensive sustainability initiative called "Tree of Life" across the entire Dusit Group. Initially, the program is being implemented in all Dusit Hotels and Resorts worldwide, comprising 54 properties in 19 countries. Other business units like Dusit Hospitality Education, Dusit Foods, Property Development, and Hospitality-Related Services will also join the program in the near future. 
The Tree of Life program, crafted by the company's Sustainability Committee, consists of 31 criteria aligned with selected United Nations' Global Sustainable Development Goals, along with industry-specific targets across four levels of achievement. The Tree of Life program incorporates Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) elements to ensure that Dusit properties operate with a strong focus on sustainability. 
At its mandatory level one, the program includes eight essential criteria aimed at promoting responsible practices throughout the entire Dusit group. These criteria involve safeguarding vulnerable species, reducing food waste, minimizing single-use plastic, implementing effective waste segregation methods for better recyclability, promoting energy conservation and efficiency, prioritizing the well-being of staff and customers through robust safety management practices, prohibiting trafficking and sexual exploitation, and actively collaborating with local community leaders to identify and support projects that bring tangible benefits to Dusit's broader communities.
Dusit International's hotels and business units earn "Tree of Life" leaves based on their level of accomplishment. Properties that surpass the compulsory criteria in level one become eligible to progress to higher levels. Level two requires fulfilling the level one criterion and achieving 18 additional criteria; level three necessitates meeting level two requirements and accomplishing 23 more criteria, while level four, the program's highest level, mandates meeting level three standards and fulfilling 28 additional criteria. Guests, customers, and partners can easily determine a property's achievement level by the number of "leaves" it has earned.
Dusit International's dedicated Sustainability Committee, under the leadership of Ms. Suthumpun, will closely monitor and back the Tree of Life program. This committee will have a crucial responsibility in supervising the program's implementation and progress, conducting regular audits to evaluate adherence, and pinpointing areas for enhancement. Additionally, the Sustainability Committee will take a proactive approach by devising and introducing new policies and procedures to maintain the program's agility, responsiveness, and alignment with evolving global standards and best practices.

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