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Pune civic body saves five lakh litres of water daily through action against realtors

The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has successfully saved approximately 5 lakh litres of potable water per day by cracking down on realtors who failed to utilize treated sewage water for construction purposes. The PMC took action against around 200 construction sites that were not adhering to the directive of using water from sewage treatment plants (STPs). As a result of these actions, including halting construction work, there has been a noticeable increase in the usage of treated water.

Out of the 326 ongoing construction projects in the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) jurisdiction, only 128 projects were utilizing sewage treatment plant (STP) water before the crackdown. However, the number has increased to around 70-80 sites since the action was initiated. PMC is now considering extending the use of sewage treatment plants STP water to golf courses and other sports facilities to further conserve water resources.

To enhance water conservation efforts, the state government has instructed PMC to implement once-a-week water cuts. Aniruddha Pawaskar, the head of PMC's water supply department, mentioned the introduction of a dedicated mobile app for managing and transporting tankers carrying treated water. The app, called PMC STP Tanker System, is used by developers and commercial establishments interested in utilizing sewage treatment plant (STP) water. So far, 765 developers have registered on the app.

Prior to the action, only 70 water tankers were transporting sewage treatment plant (STP) water for construction purposes, but this number has risen to approximately 147 tankers. The app facilitates efficient coordination and management of the tankers involved in transporting treated water.

The PMC's efforts to promote the use of STP water in construction projects align with the goal of conserving freshwater resources. By encouraging developers and establishments to adopt sewage treatment plant STP water through streamlined processes and the use of technology, PMC aims to ensure sustainable water usage and contribute to a more water-resilient future in Pune. Many tanker operators, however, still remain hesitant to transport sewage treatment plant STP water due to fear of contamination.

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