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Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation cracks down on builders neglecting trees

The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) is taking action against builders who neglect trees after receiving building use (BU) permission. Many builders in Ahmedabad have been planting trees solely to obtain BU permission and then disregarding their maintenance. To address this issue, the municipal commissioner, M Thennarasan, has issued a circular stating that the AMC will crack down on builders who fail to care for trees after obtaining BU permission.

According to the circular, builders seeking BU approval will be required to plant trees and install tree guards of sufficient height. They must provide photographic evidence of the planted trees. Subsequently, the garden department will conduct inspections to ensure compliance with tree planting rules. If trees are found to be missing, the builder will receive a notice and must reinstate the trees within 15 days. Failure to comply will result in legal action by the AMC.

To facilitate the enforcement process, the garden department will receive a list of approved building plans eligible for BU permissions. Inspections will be conducted to verify that trees are present as depicted in the submitted photographs.

Under the state government's common General Development Control Regulations (GDCR), residential and commercial projects in Ahmedabad are required to plant five trees per 200 square meters of area. The AMC collects a refundable tree fee or deposit of Rs 1,000 per tree for residential projects and Rs 2,000 per tree for commercial projects. However, many builders have not claimed this amount, leading to an accumulation of Rs 100 crore over 15 years. This accumulation reflects a lack of interest from builders in tree planting initiatives.

Before the pandemic, an average of 4,200 building plans were approved annually, with 60% of them being for residential and mixed-use buildings. However, the number of new construction plans has declined in recent years due to the pandemic. In 2019-20, 2,290 plans were approved, followed by 1,575 plans in 2020-21 and 2,070 plans in 2021-22. The AMC collected Rs 9.15 crore, Rs 6.10 crore, and Rs 6.95 crore as tree fees or deposits during these respective years.

The new circular issued by the commissioner aims to ensure builders comply with tree plantation rules and do not deceive the AMC or the public with false claims. The AMC's town planning department officials believe that this initiative will promote transparency and accountability in tree planting practices among builders.

Neglecting trees after obtaining BU permission has been a prevalent issue in the real estate sector. It is essential for builders to understand the importance of sustainable development and fulfil their responsibilities towards environmental conservation. The AMC's crackdown serves as a reminder to builders that compliance with tree plantation regulations is a crucial aspect of their projects.


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