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Digital transformation simplifies tenant verification process in Pune

Pune residents will soon experience a more streamlined tenant verification process when registering their property lease and license agreements, as the state's property registration department is moving verifications online. This shift will eliminate the need for residents to physically attend police stations, thereby easing the registration process.

The property registration department recently announced the integration of their system with the police department's network. This transition to a digital platform was initiated pre-Covid but stalled due to the pandemic's disruptive effects. All of Pune's 32 police stations will begin online tenant verification next month.

In the previous system, tenant registration data was collected offline and then shared with the Police's Crime and Criminal Tracking Network System (CCTNS). 

In the new system, citizens will apply online and the police will swiftly check the data. This streamlined process is only available for registered documents, which Sachin Shingavi, the President of the Association of Service Providers, believes will encourage more tenants to opt for registered agreements.

"This system had been functioning successfully in Pune prior to the pandemic. We are hopeful it can be implemented throughout the state," Shingavi said. However, to achieve this, officials need to integrate or map the registration data with all state police stations, a task currently underway.

In conclusion, Pune's shift towards a digital tenant verification system stands to significantly improve the efficiency and convenience of property registration for both tenants and owners. The city's successful implementation of this system could pave the way for a statewide rollout, marking a substantial step towards digital transformation in real estate and law enforcement processes.


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