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Chandigarh residents and businesses offered property tax rebates until May 31

The MC provided property tax invoices to a total of 1.42 lakh taxpayers, for both residential and commercial properties. Efforts are being made by the municipal authority to collect property tax from as many taxpayers as possible during the rebate period while also addressing their complaints.

The official body contracted the assistance of the Indian postal service to disseminate the invoices and the task was effectively executed within the established timeline. Individuals can now take advantage of the rebate option on their tax payments until May 31.

The civic body authority has various payment options available for property tax, and both residential and commercial taxpayers are utilizing these choices to make their payments. They have established assistance counters to provide guidance and address the concerns or complaints of individuals. If there are any problems, uncertainties or discrepancies related to finances, the authority is investigating the issue, according to sources.

In the current fiscal year, taxpayers are eligible for a rebate period of two months, specifically April and May, as mandated by the MC. Sources were optimistic that May would see a high number of taxpayers fulfilling their obligations to remit taxes and benefiting from rebates. Sources reported that historically, the highest number of individuals pay their property taxes and take advantage of the discount in the month of May.

During the months of April and May, the authority is offering a discount of 20% on residential properties in the city and a 10 percent discount on commercial properties. Once the grace period of two months has ended, individuals who do not fulfil their tax obligations will be subjected to additional charges, amounting to 25 percent of the original tax amount. In addition, a 12% interest rate will be applied to the amount later on.

Based on available data, it can be estimated that there are approximately 1.42 lakh properties in Chandigarh. Out of these, there are approximately 1.12 lakh residential properties and 30,000 commercial properties. During the current fiscal year, the MC undertook a physical assessment and incorporated additional properties. The majority of individuals belong to the residential group.

Chandigarh is the capital of Punjab and Haryana and is known for its modern architecture, unpolluted surroundings, and elevated quality of life. Chandigarh imposes a property tax on all residential and commercial properties like any other urban city. The government generates income through property tax, which is used to improve the standard of living for the urban community. The city of Chandigarh's property tax collection and imposition are under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh (MCC). All types of properties, including residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional, are subject to the property tax.

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